Comments on: The often futile quest for Justice in Sri Lanka affects all EconomyNext Thu, 11 Mar 2021 03:53:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: sacre blieu Thu, 11 Mar 2021 03:53:41 +0000 One of the main that crime is increasing, and even certain areas have seen the local governments steeped in crime and the constituency been held to ransom by the administrators and city fathers, like a Mafia style. People are frightened to do or say anything. Even the police of the area are as rather strangely ineffective. Some are now administered by government appointed commissioners and, one such area is in the greater Colombo area in the south. His task is gigantic knowing the depth of criminality that has pervaded the area,and a greater state involvement and support is required for him to accomplish his task and he is doing it with great fervor.
